Speech Problems


Speech disorders are fairly common in MS. Speech patterns are controlled by many areas in the brain, especially the brainstem. Lesions (damaged areas) in different parts of the brain can cause several types of changes in normal speech patterns. They range from mild difficulties to severe problems that make it difficult to speak and be understood. Medically, speech disorders are called dysarthrias.

One pattern that is commonly associated with MS is so-called scanning speech. Scanning dysarthria produces speech in which the normal "melody" or speech pattern is disrupted, with abnormally long pauses between words or individual syllables of words.
Dysarthrias are commonly associated with other symptoms caused by lesions in the brainstem. These include tremor, head shaking or incoordination.

Treating Speech Problems

Many people can be aided by a speech/language pathologist, who can evaluate and help to improve speech patterns, enunciation and oral communication in general. Talk to you provider about a referral to speech pathology.